Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gleeks and Sparks

So the bad part about graduating in April is that I'm graduating before my other friends. They are the bomb.com and i'm going to miss them a ton! it's crazy how many ridiculous things are said/done and how we are all way different but still the same and even though none of us live together anymore and none of us take classes together and we all have completely different schedules it is nice to know that you have friends that will make time for you.

This is a tribute

Friday, December 16, 2011


i struggle to spell the following words:


this is my greatest sorrow

Monday, December 12, 2011

Everything is great! Everything is Grand!

It's been quite a while since i've posted an update and so I decided to fill you in on a few things that have been keeping me busy and enlightened since my past entry

1. I still love animals. I love them a lot. my new favorite animal is the honey badger. That thing will dominate anything that crosses it's path. This thing is intense. One of my friends says that it's dangerous because of it's floppy skin. That's weird.

2. Narwhals are also awesome. AND REAL!

3. I have 6 finals this week. I had several projects due last week that I had been working on in groups since the beginning of the semester. It was stressful times. I'm less worried about finals than i was about finishing those projects.

4. I want to be a dairy man. I want to make your dairy. I want to see millions of gallons of milk and it's byproducts every day. Heard of darigold? I'm hoping to get a job with them so we might be moving to the pacific north west this summer?

5. We bought a TV on black friday and it is distracting. I have three shows that i love and i will watch them anytime. Phineas and Ferb, Burn Notice, and How I met your mother. Seriously hilarious and awesome.

6. I saw the muppet movie. It was hilarious and uplifting. If you've heard bad things about it, then you should tell those naysayers to repent. This movie will alter you. i'm not going to say how

7. My friends have been fantastic. They are always helping us out when we are in a bind. Seriously, I feel like I couldn't have been put in a better freshman ward because that's where I met all my best friends. I'm bummed that we are all graduating soon and are heading in separate directions, but we are going to just have to get together at hotel Del often enough to keep it real.

Well that is my update mostly. I'm studying for finals in the library and i'm sitting by a cold window. It's so chilly i don't know what to do. i probably just need a snuggie.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This is...

... The face of discontent

This is why. Lately i've been full of regrets. I regret not doing better at school when i was a freshman. i regret not doing btter at school when i got home from my mission. I regret not knowing how to ask for help when i was trying to figure out college stuff. So basically i was full of school related regrets. school regrets ahoy. Anyway i just recently decided to make the best of my situation. Now i'm stuck

Should i apply to grad school or just get a job? I don't know

in other news I seriously love books. Inheritance. Percy Jackson. matched. if you haven't heard of matched, it's a decent read. especially if you have the itch to read and you are waiting for the next book you want to read to come out. anyway.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shout Out

This is a shout out to Sean Tanner.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cause Baby I'm a Thug!

I had a companion that would always say that. He was pretty neat

Here's the real reason why i'm posting this post of posts. Well there are two reasons. Two posting possibilities piled pleasingly. ok i'm rambling.

The first thing is that i'm applying for jobs for that faithful day that I graduate. I'm not going to mention where so that i can keep a competitive advantage. By competitive advantage i mean the less people that know about it the better my chances are, right? But i will give you a hint. *you aren't considered a convict if you were in agriculture* ok but that's enough. if you can figure out that cleverly coded conundrum then you deserve the job more than i do.

the second thing involves me being more social. i'm a tweeter now. I am twittering consistently. not constantly though.. total twitter totalitarianism today. you can follow me @dilfal

also i've been enjoying alliteration today.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I'm in a humanities class
it is my least favorite class. by far. i'm a human. why do i have to learn about humanities. i would rather just take a class on manatees. seacows.

In other news, does anyone have a tv that i can watch the BYU v. Utah game on? It's important